Pandemic digital transformation
Since the pandemic, it has become clear to all businesses and markets the urgency of digital transformation for many companies. It was once seen as a plan for the distant future. However, after three years, many businesses had to quickly reinvent themselves. Implementing technologies urgently, automated systems, and using digital tools and platforms while learning about them.
Companies with a clear vision of the future of industries were better prepared for this urgent situation. New technologies can be implemented in a structured way with the pandemic coming to an end. There is now a business opportunity to implement best practices, rather than an urgent need.
It seems like a huge task to structure a road map toward a digital world for a complete business. In fact, it is. That's why it becomes a better option to rely on companies that are living and mastering the digital world. They can provide the best strategy.
Are you a digital master or a beginner?
Creating a clear vision of a business's future is essential for setting numerical goals. Imagine, develop, and implement the digitalization vision of the business processes, a vision that no one has predicted! It seems hard, but apparently, it is the most profitable way too.
A study from MIT showed that companies that are classified as Digital Masters are more profitable than others, on average. Digital Masters have a future vision for their business in terms of digital transformation. They use technological tools and manage their people and culture to achieve this goal. This advantage leads to a 26% increase in profitability when it comes to companies that are Digital Masters.
According to this study, the other company categories are Beginners, Conservatives, and Fashionistas. Beginners struggle the most with digital transformation in their organizations. On average, they make 24% less profit than other companies.
What does the future of the industry look like?
ANDRITZ has a clear vision of the future for industrial plants. This future is a completely autonomous reality.
That is, no human interference, and the operator will not even have to think about the operation itself. ANDRITZ has developed an Autonomy level plan for those who want to take their digital transformation further. This plan is not just for new mills; it is for any company willing to make progress in digital transformation initiatives.
By determining the Autonomy level of each plant it is possible to define which steps to take in the autonomy direction. ANDRITZ provides technologies and methodologies to implement changes. These changes will take the operation to the next level of autonomy. Get to know ANDRITZ's levels of autonomy for an industrial plant, and the benefits of moving forward from level to level:
Autonomy Level 1 - Hands-on
This is the initial level, where the operator performs all control tasks, requiring around 648 actions per day. The actions taken do not show benefits in production, plant availability, or the reduction of chemical and energy consumption.
Autonomy Level 2 - Hands-off
Here the operator has autonomous control of the area, normalized functions happen autonomously, and the operator constantly monitors. In this case, he or she performs 55% fewer actions per day.
You can already see benefits in production at this level. Production is 3% higher. Plant availability is 1% more available. Chemical costs and energy consumption have decreased by 5%.
Autonomy Level 3 - Eyes-off
In this case, the monitoring is autonomous, where the operator is notified every time, something wrong happens or tends to happen. Here the number of actions is relative to the number of notifications received.
Production has already increased by 4%. Plant availability is 1.5% higher. The cost of chemical and energy consumption has decreased by 6%.
Autonomy Level 4 - Mind-off
Autonomous plants require minimal presence in the control room. This reduces the number of actions from level 1 to 29 per day, a 95% reduction. Production increased by 5%, availability is 2% higher, and energy and chemical consumption drops by 8%.
Digitalization addressing real individual needs
ANDRITZ understands the importance of both digital and leadership capabilities. We have created digital solutions to help our customers address their current issues. Going digital is a different reality for each market, each mill, and mainly for each individual. ANDRITZ developed tools, processes, and methodologies aiming to support the enhancement of mill assets, processes, and mainly people's needs.
ANDRITZ has a clear vision for the future. We have strong partnerships with our customers. We are helping mills around the world to create a digital transformation strategy by implementing the latest technologies tailored to each customer's needs.
Have you identified your plant's level of autonomy? If so, contact us to learn more about the technologies, methodologies, and business models ANDRITZ offers to help your business grow.
The ANDRITZ portfolio covers automation and digitalization solutions for the entire plant life cycle. Our experts work with our customers to create solutions. These solutions help lower energy use, upgrade product quality, speed up production, and reduce operating costs.
We offer services and support solutions for the entire life cycle of a plant and its assets. This allows customers to optimize and modernize their plants. Providing an end-to-end approach to benefit our customers.
We implement the necessary technology. This puts your plant on a path toward autonomy.