Metris Plant InSights: A holistic view of the manufacturing process through Data

How to transform your facility data into decision-making information
For a long time, the systems responsible for managing information from industrial processes have played an important role as data storage agents only.
However, retrieving valuable information in a fast manner so it can contribute to day-to-day decision-making became the most relevant issue when we think about huge amounts of data that is stored by the production processes.
Knowing your processes and needs
By facing this challenge side-by-side with its customer ANDRITZ has forged Metris Plant Insights over 12 years, combining a complete PIMS solution with Reports, LIMS, Statistical Process Control, Product Traceability, and AI/Machine Learning to turn data into information, information into insights and insights into value.
Metris Plant Insights continuously evolves and develops new and better solutions based on its customers’ needs, guaranteeing the most up-to-date technology in plant information management systems.
ANDRITZ ©️ / Metris Plant InSights differentials
Metris Plant InSights counts with a suite of 15 applications, which can be purchased together or separately, being the most complete and integrated solution for asset performance. The smart use of data can bring a range of benefits that will take your mill to the highest possible performance, get to know them by downloading the E-book.
Data into valuable information
Metris Plant Insights translates data into KPIs, so you don’t need to search through raw data, the valuable information of your facility it is provided by our integrated and comprehensive solution.
It is an ally to continuously optimize the processes and cornerstone towards the autonomous mill, setting the basis to get your mill to the highest level of autonomy possible. It’s the best solution to transform your data today and for the future.
ANDRITZ ©️ / Autonomous journey and Metris Plant InSights